Hostfamily letter

Hallo Steffen!

Toll, dass du noch ein 2. Jahr bleibst.
Ich musste im Maerz meine Gastfamilie wechseln, aber ich bin immer noch gleich nah an Melbourne
Hier ist alles so weit ganz gut, nur die Vorstellung in 4 Wochen wieder zu Hause zu sein ist etwas seltsam.
Ich bin eigentlich ganz froh, dass ich Weihnachten wieder zu Hause bin, da ich an meinem Geburtstag doch arges Heimweh hatte.
Als ich hier her kam, hatte ich ja auch noch ein bisschen Sommer, also Februar und Maerz waren doch noch ganz schoen warm. Und ich hoffe ja, dass es wider waermer wird, bevor ich dann nach Hause muss. :p

Liebe Gruesse,

Hallo Steffen!

Toll, dass du noch ein 2. Jahr bleibst.
Ich musste im Maerz meine Gastfamilie wechseln, aber ich bin immer noch gleich nah an Melbourne
Hier ist alles so weit ganz gut, nur die Vorstellung in 4 Wochen wieder zu Hause zu sein ist etwas seltsam.
Ich bin eigentlich ganz froh, dass ich Weihnachten wieder zu Hause bin, da ich an meinem Geburtstag doch arges Heimweh hatte.
Als ich hier her kam, hatte ich ja auch noch ein bisschen Sommer, also Februar und Maerz waren doch noch ganz schoen warm. Und ich hoffe ja, dass es wider waermer wird, bevor ich dann nach Hause muss. :p

Liebe Gruesse,

Steffen heiß ich übrigens!
Nein, hab mein Visum hier für ein 2. Jahr verlängert. Bin gerade in Cairns bei einer neuen Familie als Au Pair!
Und du, noch in Melbourne?
Wie läufts?
Genieß noch den letzten Monat, schade, dass du Weihnachten und Neu Jahr verpasst! Und den Sommer natürlich!
Grüßle aus den Tropen,

Hallo Au Pair!
Bist du jetzt eigentlich wieder zurueck in Deutschland?
Ich finde das Video echt total gut
Liebe Gruesse,

Oh und Hanna: danke für das geniale Video in deinem Block von dem Typ in America!



Ich würde Gymnasium stehen lassen, da die meistens bescheid wissen, was das ist. Wenn du sicher gehen möchtest kannst du noch so etwas wie "Like a highschool in the USA" oder so in Klammern schreiben

Vielleicht könntest du "The subject I amthe worst at is Maths" schreiben, da das einfach häufiger gesagt wird.

Aber der Brief ist echt toll!

Viele Grüße aus Australien!

hope that I can go on with it in the USA too.
(Den Satz versteh ich nicht Was willst du da sagen?)

Sie hofft , das sie das Tanzen in den USA weiterführen kann  


Hey, Eileen!

Also, ich korrigiere mal paar Sachen, die mir auf die Schnelle auffallen!
Hoffe, ich bin noch pünktlich^^

Das sind mal die Sachen, die mir beim ersten Mal durchlesen aufgefallen sind.
Ich kann natürlich nicht garantieren, dass ich alle Fehler oder Ausdrucksfehler und so gefunden habe, aber ja.
Achja, ich denke schon, dass ich das korrekt ausgebessert habe, aber ich bin ja kein Englisch-Lehrer (noch nicht :P)!

Liebe Grüße

Hallo ihr lieben!

Ich habe hier den Brief den ich für die Anmeldung abgeben muss und wollte euch mal nach der Meinung fragen!

Dear host family,

firstly I want to thank
you for giving me the chance to get a member of you family and also
to give me the opportunity to join the american life. This means so
much to me, to live a life as an exchange student in the United

My name is Eileen and I'm
16 years old, but I'll turn 17 before going to the USA. I'm born at
the 24th of Febuary in 1997. I live in a small town in the
near of Frankfurt am Main. We have about 8000 inhabitants. There's
not much you can do here. But in the town next to my, there's a
cinema where my friends and I often go to watch the newest movies.

My mom is one of the most
supporting members in my family. Without her, I never could go to the
USA as an exchange student. And so I'm very thankful. My parents got
divorced when I was around 7, I think. But that was never a big thing
for me. My mom has a new boyfriend and me and my twin sister are
living with her and him together in a house with a little garden. My
dad lives in a town 60 kilometers away from me. I can see him every
second weekend, if I want to. He lives with a new woman and their
childs, one girl in the same age like me and one boy with the age of
12. I like both family parts and can deal with it pretty good. But my
dad isn't that supportive like my mum. But another member of my
family is that supportive like her. I think without his help it
wouldn't be possible to join this experience. My grandpa means a lot
to me. Everytime I'm at his house, he's like hampering me and
enjoying the time with his grandchild.

In the household I have
to do some small things like tidy up my room, clean out the
dishwasher and cleaning the stairs (once a week).

I'm going to the eleventh
grade of a Gymnasium. My favourite subjects are art, english and
german. Since this year I'm also trying to learn spanish. I really
like it to learn different languages and it's not a big deal for me.

But there are also
subjects I don't really like. For example the subject where I'm the
most worst is maths. I'm not pretty good in natural sciences.

In my free time I love to
do things with my best friend. She's one of the most important people
in my life. I never had a friend like her. She's sharing the same
preferences like me. We love to listen to music, espacially to One
Direction and Little Mix, but also to any ohter tracks we like.

Most of my free time I'm
at home in my room. Then I like it to read a book or to sing to my
favourite songs.

I love it to dance, so I
hope that I can go on with it in the USA too.

I have really big future
plans. After I did my exchange year I want to finish my school. My
big dream is it to study media design and then to find a job in
england, because I want to live there when I'm older. That's my
biggest dream. But I also would like it to live in america.
Emigration is the biggest dream, I think. That's one big reason, why
I tink this high school year will give me important experiences for
my future life.

I think this is
everything important to know about me and I hope that you are the
family where I can stay for ten months. I'm very excited to get to
you and to meet you soon!

And if you're my new
family, I want to say a massive thank you for choosing me to get your
new family member!

From Eileen with much

Ja, das finde ich besser

Ok versuch nummer 2

Host family,

First of all, I would like to thank you for considering me to stay at your home
while I’m in the USA. In this letter I will try to introduce myself and give you
an impression of my life, my family and my friends.

I’m 15 years old, but I will be 16 when I will arrive in the USA also I will have
just finished my junior high school. Currently I’m living in a house with my
parents and one of my two sisters. The other one is visiting a university
and because of that she doesn’t live at home anymore. However we have a good
relationship to each other as well as with my other family members, which you
can see when we have something to discuss we easily can talk about that.

that's my family. Now something more about me. At the moment I attend the 10th
grade. Where I have quiet different subjects and even when I’m interested in
all of them I have my favorite subjects what are Computer Science and Philosophy.
I like them because I’m very interested in programming and discussing. But now to
my daily routine:

My day
begins at 6:35am when I’m going to wake up. After that I make me ready and leave
the house at 7:50am where I’m going to school by bike which begins at 8:15 and
ends everyday expect Wednesday at 1:25pm. If it’s Wednesday my School ends at
3:40pm and I have lunch in the School canteen; otherwise, I eat at home.

After school, I do my homework and going in for one of my hobbies. Like meet my
friends who would
describe me as a really humorous and social person who loves to travel and meet
new people. However I’m also interested in programming and I like it to debating, I also like it to watch TV Shows and
Animes like LOST or Death Note or listening to music and even when I prefer
Black Music. I’m also interested in other kinds of music like traditional Asian

The biggest
reason why I’m wanting participate in a exchange year is that the USA is famous
for the amount of the different cultures and I would love get to know with them
and collect experience. Another reason is to learn the language because you always
need English skills particularly in the IT sector where I want to work when I’m
finished with studying Computer Science.

One thing I want to do in USA is to participate
in a Community Service where I’m helping teenagers with their problems, because
my opinion is that everyone should have someone who they can trust their
problems and getting helped. And I think that the fact that I’m from oversea is
really helpful, to help this people because I can share my experience with them
also I’m thinking that I can share my culture with you to show you how I and
the people from my country handle things and maybe help you in some aspects.

Thank you very much for having taken the time to read my letter.

I hope this gave you an impression about my personality and I’m really looking
forward to meeting you in summer.

Warm Regards,


das mit den hobbys würde ich auch noch ändern ....   


Also ich finde deinen Brief echt schoen
Wir haben hier ja schon oefter gesagt, dass die Familie ja, in dem Fall, dich moechte und dann sollte der Brief auch wirklich von dir sein.
Das einzige, was ich wirklich aendern wuerde, ist dass du keine Hobbys hast
Schreibe einfach was du gerne machst und sich mit Freunden kann ja auch ein Hobby sein. Das mit den fehlenden AGs kannst du ja lassen und einfach sagen, dass es an deiner nicht die moeglichkeit gabt die zu besuchen.

Aber zusammengefast: Richtig toller Brief!!

Wie findet ihr den?

Dear Host family,

First of all, I would like to thank you for considering
me to stay at your home while I’m in the USA. In this letter I will try to
introduce myself and give you an impression of my life, my family and my

I’m 15 years old, but I will be 16 when I will arrive in the USA also I will have just finished my junior high school. Currently I’m
living in a house with my parents and one of my two Sisters. The other one
studies and because of that she doesn’t live at home anymore. However we have a
good relationship to each other as well as with my other family members, which
you can see when we have something to discuss we easily can talk about that.

Well, that's my
family. Now something more about me. At the moment I attend the 10th
grade. Where I have quiet different Subjects and even when I’m interested in
all of them I have my favorite subjects what are Computer Science and philosophy. I like them because I’m very
interested in programming and discuss things out. But now to my daily routine

My day begins at
6:35am when I’m going to wake up. After that I make me ready and leave the
house at 7:50am where I’m going to school by bike which begins at 8:15 and ends
everyday expect Wednesday at 1:25pm. If it’s Wednesday my School ends at 3:40pm
and I have lunch in the School canteen; otherwise, I eat at home.

After school, I do my homework and meet my
friends who would describe me as a really humorous and social person
who loves to travel and meet new people. But I don’t have any hobbies
the reason for that is that I’m not in a
sports team or music club, probably because my school here don’t offer
something like that. However I’m interested in programming and I like it to debating, I also like it to watch TV Shows and
Animes like LOST or Death Note or listening
to music and even when I prefer Black Music. I’m also interested in other kinds
of music like traditional Asian music.

The biggest reason
why I’m wanting participate in a exchange year is that the USA is
famous for the amount of the different cultures and I would love get to know
with them and collect experience. Another reason is to learn the language because
you always need English skills particularly in the IT sector where I want to
work when I’m finished with studying Computer Science.

One thing I want to do in USA is to
participate in a
Community Service where I’m helping Teenagers with their Problems, because my
opinion is that everyone should have someone who they can trust their problems
and getting helped. And I think that the fact that I’m from oversea is really
helpful, to help this people because I can share my experience with them also I’m
thinking that I can share my culture
with you to show you how I and the people from my country handle things and
maybe help you in some aspects.

Thank you very much for having taken the time
to read my letter.

I hope this gave you an impression about my
personality and I’m really looking forward to meeting you in summer.

Warm Regards,


ich mach ja ein atj, also student visa subclass 571 (glaub ich, bin mir bei der zahl nicht sicher)

Na und welches Visum hast du jetzt? Working Holiday? Student?

Ahh, du hast auf meinen Blog geschaut oder?

Ich fand die Unterlagen für das Visum nur kompliziert, sonst ging es. Ich hab es jetzt auch schon seit 2 Wochen oder so, aber leider noch nicht auf den Blog geschrieben

Die Zahnarzt-Unterschriften brauchte ich für die Partnerorganisation.

Was für ein Visum hast du denn beantragt, wenn das so kompliziert ist und so lange dauert?
Und wozu brauchst du die Zahnarzt-Unterschriften?

Hoffendlich bekomme ich dann nicht immer Kopfschmerzen
Ich komme nach Cottles Bridge, das sind so 30km, aber es ist immer noch ein Stadtteil

Das Wetter hier ist horror!
Extrem wechselhaft, von ziemlich kalt (hauptsächlich im winter, aber auch im Sommer hats kalte tage) bis heiß (40°C und mehr...) hats hier alles und es heißt nicht umsonst, man kann in Melbourne alle 4 Jahreszeiten an einem Tag erleben!
Aber sonst ists hier wunderschön, tolle Stadt, auch in der Umgebung hats gute Ausflugsziele, nette menschen, immer was los und suuper leckeres essen!
Wo wohnst du dann?


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