hey sid!
i dont know..if u are ever gonna read this...i just wannet to say.. that i totally know how you feel! well maybe not all of your feelings..but i for sure share part of them.. i cannot handle the way of life over her...seriously.. you might think i'm doing alright, cuz always, when u see me, not trying to look too sad everyday, you would guess she's doing great...but honestly..i'm having a hard time too! and you know what..i really dont know who to talk to, cuz nobody seems to understand over here!
friends, if u can actually still call them like that, are sooo not interested in what u saw and did,etc during that time..and it hurts soo much, cuz to me it was the most important year in my life! and i do know how important it was to you as well!
well, i really hope we can talk soon!!
hope you're doing better and lots of love,
dini enkeli