Beiträge von kathi199

    bin zwar auch gegen bush, aber kerry is mir auch nich sooo dolle sympathisch, im prinzip mal gar nich. aber ich denke erst ma muss bush weg. dann kann man weiter sehen ob es nich einen wirklich geeigneten kandidaten für dieses amt gibt der seien wahl alleine gewinnen kann un dazu nich papis freunde brauch...
    moore is mir übrigens auch unsympatisch obwohl ich die bücher gut find mag ich ihn selbst kein bisschen...

    ich wei zwar nich ob dir das hilft´aber ich schreibs einfach ma
    1. die beide´n gehören sozusagen zusammen (mit team noch)

    2. beide haben sich bei einer unparteischen prüfungsstelle die die orgas prüft sperren lassen. das heißt sie haben per gerichtsbeschluss dagegen protestiert da auch nur erwähnt zu werden

    jaaa es is vorbei un ich lebe noch. ich muss sagen das cafe is so kacke. ich hab mich voll fehl am platz gefühlt. ich weiß nich so genau wie slief, also inhaltlich wars ok was ich gesagt hab, aber sprachlich. mein englisch is soooo scheiße gewesen... naja ma sehen die sagen so´im laufe der nächsten woche würden sie sich noch ma melden Hoff hoff

    ich muss mal sagen die haben eionen echt klasse nz katalog. der is halt nur über nz un total ausführlcih un informativ die preise sin noch in ordnung

    hi ihrs
    ich weiß das es schon x themen übner gastgeschenke gibt, aba nichts was ich gelesen hab bezieht sich auf nz!!!!!!!!! was schenkt ihr euren gastfams??? oder habt ihr denen geschenkt???

    And I really like cooking. I have a recipe book in which I look for a good-looking recipe to cook . Till now we could eat everything (my parents said it tasted well).
    I really like all kind of flowers especially geraniums and sunflowers. Also gerbera I find class.
    Also I love to eat. It also a kind of hobby and I nearly eat everything out of spinach and sprout. My favourite meal is Lasagne and all other noodles. Also I like potato things.

    I have 2 best friends and still another handful very good ones. I spend a majority of my spare time with them hire with the most diverse things. We have always very much fun and laugh most time. Also with my problems I can come at any time to them.
    Also our entire class community is very good. Our chief instructor says for example that we are rather moderate from the notes, but however humanly grandiose. We help each other with homework and before tests we practise together in little groups. It prevails gives and takes with us. I am anyhow very content with my grade and also with the teachers.

    I am a convinced non-smoker. My friends describe me as positive thinking, funny, honest, sincere, spontaneous and full of ideas. I describe me myself as a tolerant, sociable, lively and open-minded person. I think I am not very arrogant or supercilious.
    Sometimes I am a bit forgetful, but only sometimes not whole of the time.

    I would like to experience more over the way of life and the culture in New Zealand. In addition I would like to experience something what is perfectly new. A practical aspect is also which I can improve my English knowledge around a multiple. But this isn't so important for me. All these great new experiences I am never forgotten. Me in a new environment to integrate and find connection to other teenagers I see as a large challenge and I hope to find new friends.

    I would like to thank you for taking time to read this letter and maybe I am the right exchange student for your family.

    I hope I didn’t forget something important for you.

    I am looking forward to get a message of you.

    Sincerely yours

    hier ist meiner wär nett wenn ihr dazu auch nmal was schreibt

    Dear Host family,

    Here is my personal letter for you. I hope that it is like you expected. Will try to describe myself quite well and hope you get a first impression of me, my family and my life.
    My name is Katharina Stock, but all my friends calling me Kathi. I am 15 years old and my birthday is on the 7th of April. My parents Ute (41 years old) and Rolf (47 years old), my little sister Theresa (9 years old) and me living in a very little village near Cologne called Dattenfeld it is in the west of Germany near the border to the Netherlands. With my parents I get on very well, only sometimes there are little arguments, but I think that is normal. My little sister talks very much and with her I have a bit more arguments, but she is sometimes very nice and lovely.
    Here is nearly nothing because Dattenfeld is really little. Not more than a supermarket and a few stores. Yes, and we have a station and with the train you can get quick to Cologne or to Siegburg, the next city.
    But we have a beautiful landscape here: little hills, a river (only a little one) called “Sieg” and some old buildings. Everything is calm and peaceful.
    You notice everything here is little (I am not the biggest too).

    I am going on a Grammar School called Bodelschwingh Grammar School. It is near Dattenfeld in a village called Herchen (you can imagine it is also little). At the moment I am in the 10th grade. My favourite subjects are history, german and politics.

    I have two pets. The first one is a whole black tomcat. His name is Romeo and he is totally crazy. My second pet is mouse with a long name: Joe-Henry. He is brown and a bit white. I really love them it is a good feeling to hear my cat purring beside me. It is like a kind of meditation for me.

    I have a lot of hobbies. Although I’m not very sportive I am playing Tennis in a little club here in the village. Other hobbies are reading, cooking, meeting my friends and going to the cinema. My favourite book is a German one called “Engel&Joe” and also the film to this book is very good. It is about a love in the punk-scene of Berlin. There are a lot of films I like very much. Pirates of the Caribbean (Johnny Depp is my favourite actor), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, it is the strangest film I ever seen, and Brother bear (I love Disney films).
    I also like the actor playing the leading role in Angel&Joe: Robert Stadlober from Austria. One part my spare time spend I reading on my bed, which is by the way my favourite place in my room. I have an enormous amount of books. I white no more where I it all to accommodate am not.
    I can hear music for hours. For example HIM (a band from Finland), Billy Idol, Bob Marley (Really great music, he was a genius) and some German stuff like “Die Ärzte” or “Die Toten Hosen”. But my absolute favourite is HIM. I love their music. The lead singer has a great and big voice. I was on a concert of them in this April and it was really fantastic.