So ich werde dann mal versuchen, deine Bewerbung etwas zu verschönern.
have you volunteered or practicipated in community service? please
describe your practicipation, and how/if you would like to
praticipate in the united states?
I haven't had the chance to participate in a community, yet but during my time in the United States, I would love to work with kids or to be active in a [church?] choir for example. I could also enter a club which does charity work (oder which is commited). "Engaged" würde ich in diesem Zusammenhang nicht verwenden.
what do you think will be the most challenging part of being en exchange
Hitler direkt innerhalb der ersten paar Zeilen zu erwähnen, empfinde ich als etwas unpassend, da die Ami wirklich sehr allergisch auf dieses Thema reagieren!
Beschränke dich lieber auf die anderen Aspekte.
Personally, I think the first few weeks will be the most difficult part of the whole experience as an exchange student.
I will have to deal with a foreign language, handle a new daily life and get used to a new culture. Besides I will have to find new friends and get to know my host family better. All in all, these things will be a challenge but I am sure, I can figure out everything and by the time, I am ready to take the challenge.
if you experience homesickness in the usa, how do you plan on dealing
with it?
Ui, Fotos anzusehen bewirkt LEIDER oft genau das Gegenteil!
Besser ist es, mit jemandem zu reden (wie du ja richtig erkannt hast) und etwas zu unternehmen! Auch der Aspekt mit den anderen Austauschschülern ist sehr zutreffend und hat mir persönlich am meisten geholfen, das Heimweh zu bekämpfen.
If I get homesick, it might help me to talk to someone about my worries.
I would try to do something with my new school friends or my host family to divert myself from homesickness. Besides, I talk could to one of the other exchange students about it, because they are similarly determined.
Describe a time, when you were sad or upset. What happened and how did you
overcome this?
Once I was really sad, because my math teacher gave me a bad grade. First
I was angry, but than I talked with my mother about it and she told me, I should
still stay motivated and the next grade would be better. I
didn't give up, and really made an effort.
As a result of that, my next grade was much better, so
I was really happy. I think it is important to speak about problems and get help from others.
Describe in detail an interest or your participation in a activity that you
enjoy. What difference has it made in your life and in the lives of
When I was in the elementary school I played with in a dramatic game. I
was a shepherd and at Christmas we played the show for the the church
community. I thought it was good to work together with these people
and to learn something. But the next years I was too old to take part
on the dramatic game.
Hm, hast du hier vielleicht ein anderes Beispiel!? Oder kannst du dein Seispiel etwas ausbauen? Es ist ja gefragt, inwieweit diese Aktivität dein Leben "verändert" hat. Diese Frage hast du hiermit leider nicht wirklich beantwortet. Es sei denn, du hast beispielsweise dadurch eine spezielle Person glücklich gemacht, der es sonst schlecht ging und das hat dein Leben gestärkt, weil du es beeindruckend findest anderen Leuten zu helfen und ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern.
Nun ja, das ist vielleicht etwas zu "kitschig" aber vielleicht hast du ja eine andere Idee?
What are your future goals?
After successfully completing my exchange year (das sollte auch zu deinen Zielen gehören ), I would like to finish high school successfully. After this, I'd like to do a Gap year (freiwilliges soziales Jahr) oder einfach: work and travel programm. Then I want to study at an university but I don't know yet, which subject I would exactly focus on. What do you plan on pursuing and/or accomplishing while the usa?
I would like to improve my linguistic skills and speak English fluently. As another aspect, I would like to
learn about the American culture. I am excited to meet new people and make friends,
which maybe last even after the exchange.
I would like to join a sport club, for example cheerleading, simply because it is a unique/typical
American sport and I am very much interested in it. I won't be only a
guest in the U.S. during my stay, and I would really like to be a part of my family
and also a real American student. For me this year is an adventure,
and maybe the greatest time of my life.(Sehr schön geschrieben!)
What are your best character trains?
My best traits are, according to my friends, my open-minded character, my communication skills and my helpfulness. I would say about myself that I'm actually quite independent, flexible and spontaneous (Alles Adjektive, keine Adverbien!).
I have a good sense of humor. I am responsible and reliable.
Ich hoffe ich konnte dir etwas helfen!