my last school day :*(

  • was my last school day today and it was seriously like everyother day besides that someone threw smokebombs in school lol....people didnt even act differently...but i said bye to a lot of people.... oh well^^

  • My Foods-teacher, Mrs Curry ( she's like.. 60 ) gave me a kiss on my last day and she cried when i left .. and i did, too when my parents got me from school and i turned around and waved for the last time...
    Enjoy these last days it's the greatest feeling ( at least for me.. ) in the world even if it's soo sad.. and it'll be all gone as soon as you meet your old friends again, cos you feel as if you'd be the old, dumb person again when you talk german..
    that's how it went for me so you guys just have a splendid time

  • Zitat

    Tomorrow is going to my last day of school but all the seniors are already gone and I don't want to leave. I never thought I could ever possibly like this school but I LOVE it!

    Same here seniors are gone and now its so empty in the hallways lol....oh wow just 3 more days^^

    hier das selbe seniors sind auch schon weg und jetzt isses so leer innen hallways....oh wow nur noch 3 weitere tage

  • Zitat

    stan dein kommentar war so ueberfluessig... lass sie doch englisch reden wenn sie moechte... ist nun mal so dass man gegen ende des austauschjahres manchmal lieber englisch spricht als deutsch... WHO CARES!

    Gibt leute hier die kein englisch sprechen!

  • stan dein kommentar war so ueberfluessig... lass sie doch englisch reden wenn sie moechte... ist nun mal so dass man gegen ende des austauschjahres manchmal lieber englisch spricht als deutsch... WHO CARES!

    We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
    There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open (:

  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH today wa smy last school day..i am considered as a senior..I started crying last hour ..everyone gave me a hug and i don´t was still so last preculc hour, my last disgusting lunch :*( so many lasts ...
    at least the new shreck is out