
  • Zitat

    wanderlust! meinste die verstehn das da. find das hört sich voll witzig an!

    auf der neuen r.e.m.-cd ist n lied drauf, das so heißt, also werden se's wohl verstehn

  • klar doch! Was soll man denn groß schreiben?? Ich hatte nur eine Seite...
    Da wird sich sicher jemand finden!
    Keine Angst *g*

    alles scheisse hier... so hatte ich mir das nicht vorgestellt... wechsel?! nach hause?! bin sehr verwirrt... und traurig udn huele die ganze zeit ....

  • Meiner auch.
    Ich hab aber noch nachher gelesen, dass man den Brief irgentwie lustig/interessant gestalten soll... hm...meiner war so wie das beispiel hier. Ich find net, dass der irgentwie lustig ist, aber ich weiß auch net, wie mans unbedingt lustig machen soll, man will sich ja net lächerlich machen , sondern man will seine Person möglichst gut rüber bringen...
    Und man soll möglichst "Nice Greetings from Germany" drunter schreiben...

    alles scheisse hier... so hatte ich mir das nicht vorgestellt... wechsel?! nach hause?! bin sehr verwirrt... und traurig udn huele die ganze zeit ....

  • hab meinen heute weggeschickt...

    Dear Host family,
    Here is my personal letter for you. I hope that it is like you expected it to be. I’ll try to describe myself quite well and I hope you’ll get a first impression of me, my family and my life here in Germany.

    My name is Stephan Heinrich , but some of my friends call me Steve. I’m 15 years old and my birthday is on the 5th of January. My parents Johanna (48 years old) and Klaus (53 years old), my brother Tobias (17 years old) and me live in a little city near Ulm called Laupheim. It is in the south-west of Germany. I’ve got a very good relationship with my parents. They both work at a pharmaceutic company 12 miles away. Of course there are sometimes little arguments, but I think that is normal. My brother is not so often at home, because he has a lot of lessons in the afternoon and he works in a little cup factory.

    We live in a part of Laupheim called Untersulmetingen. It’s about 3 miles away from the center, but we can always get there by bike or in winter by bus. Here is nearly nothing because Untersulmetingen is really little. There is not more than a bakery and a butchery. Because of that we spend a lot of time in Laupheim.

    I don’t think I’m a very difficult student. I’m an convinced non-smoker and I’m no vegetarian. I’m christian educated but I don’t really believe in a specific religion.

    I’m going to a grammar school in Laupheim called Carl Laemmle Gymnasium after the famous man who founded Hollywood.
    At the moment I am in the 10th grade and my favourite subjects are Chemistry, English and Physical Education.
    In school, I take part in a Physics club where we want to build a robot which cleans our school until the end of this school year.
    I’m also class representative and so I take part in the students administration where we plan sport events or school celebrations. This year we are going to organize the first school dance at Carl Laemmle Gymnasium like the prom in the USA.

    School is totally different in Germany from the United States. I was really overwhelmed when I read all the subjects, clubs and sport teams which schools offer. Our school has no sport team and I can only dream of subjects like “photography”. Here school life and private life are more differentiated. I am lucky with my class. I think we have a particularly good class spirit. I have got a very good relationship with almost all and have some of my best friends in class.

    I have wanted to take part in an exchange for a long time but here they cancelled the exchanges in grades nine and ten because we can’t find schools in an English-speaking country.

    I’ve got a lot of hobbies. I have been practicing track and field athletics for 5 years and two years ago I managed to enter the top 10 list in my state called Baden-Württemberg.
    I also played soccer for about 4 years but I ended it up when I began to more and more practice athletics.

    In winter I really like to go snowboarding with my friends or my family. My parents tought me skiing when I was 7 years old and in the last 5 years my family and a few other families rent a little cottage in Switzerland for a week in the winter holidays to go skiing.
    Three years ago I tried snowboarding and I liked it so much. So I decided to learn snowboarding.

    In my free time I often meet my friends, go to the movies or do something like this.

    I love holidays and travelling very much. My dad has a kind of wanderlust. I feel that travelling was my whole life.
    When I was young we had a camper in which we drove to Switzerland or Italy. But then my brother and me grew up and there was not enough space for 4 people. So we sold it 3 years ago.

    In the last whitsuntide holidays we went to the United States. We travelled around in Florida for about 2 weeks and I loved it very much. So I’m trying to go back and find out more about this beautiful country and the people who live in it.

    I would like to thank you for taking time to read this letter and hope that you will give me a chance to meet you.

    Sincerely yours

  • jaa ich weiss das thema gabs schon 100te male...
    nur leider geht bei mir die suchfunktion irgendwie nich und ich brauch dringend noch nen paar tips oder vielleicht sogar nen "beispielbrief"!
    hm ja also wer so nett is kann ja mal seinen brief hier hinkopieren oder mal die suchfunktion für mich ausprobieren...DANKE!!!