
  • Ich hab ihn abgeschickt...war doch länger las erwartet. Ich hab nämlich nochmal alles per Hand abgeschrieben. Es waren dann 5 DinA4 Seiten...also 1 Seite per Pc vorschreiben und dann mit der Hand abschreiben schickt normal schon es sei denn man hat ne Funzel schrift, aber dann ist es eh besser man schreibt es mit PC.


  • I have a lot of hobbies. But I would say that skiing is the most important. I learned it with four years. First I wanted to ski just for fun, but my ski school trainer asked me to go for a race, I said yes and I did well so I went on a second race and a third…so I began going on ski races. After some time I was taken up to the ski team of my district. The first training course was an experience I will never forget. My trainer was kind of strict but I can say that I learned discipline in my sport. After three years I was taken up to the team of my Land of the federal republic. That has made me so proud. I had a great time with my team. I love to spend time on the ski slope of my ski club. I also go for training courses with another team and I have got so many friends there. When ever we meet we have fun together. But it is unfortunate that we do not live in the same area. So we meet on the races and on training courses. The last two years we celebrated Sylvester together during a training course. It is always unforgettable. My ski club has also asked me to help with the ski school this winter and I hope that I can work as a trainer when I am seventeen. I am very pleased to work with the younger ones and to share my experience with them.

    But I do not only ski in winter. I do grasski in summer. The sport is very unknown, but
    It’s great fun. But my winter-trainer was not pleased that I wanted to do grasskiing, and so I decided to leave the team and to go my own ways. It was a very good decision. I would say, that it was maybe the best I made up to this day. This year I went to the Junoir world chamiponship. It was such an indescribable experience. I met my friends from all over Europe.

    I also play the piano since seven years. I like to play songs from the musical cats and some ragtimes. My piano teacher tells me a lot about musical history and the stories behind the songs. With seven years I had my first very small concert.

    In conflicts I want to make my point clear, but I also listen to the other’s opinions. I find it very important to hear the things the others have to say, because if you do not do this, there cannot be found a solution for the problem. But I find it very frustrating if you are in a controversy with someone who does not listen to the things you have got to say. I would describe me as a not night-struggle-end person.
    I like to laugh and to make jokes with my parents and my friends. In winter we often play cards or other games.

    I am really looking forward to integrate myself to a new family life and to learn about your culture and your life-style.

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this letter.

    With best regards

    Julia Neumann

  • Ich wollte meinen Gastfam Brief auch mal Posten. Leider habe ich auch die Anrede mit "dear" benutzt da mir einfach nichts besseres einfiel. Ich hoffe euch hilft der Brief noch weiter!

    Dear Host family.

    Fist of all I would like to thank you so much for hosting me. It means so much for me, to go in a country, and to know that there is a family waiting for me, to spend a whole year with me and to know that this family wants me to be a member of them.

    My name is Julia Neumann, I am fifteen years old and I live together with my mother Annette Born-Neumann (44 years old) and my father Peter Neumann (47 years old) in our house in Wallau ca. hundred miles near Frankfurt in West Germany. It’s a pretty small village with a population of only 4.000 people.

    I love to do tings with my family. I have been to so many places with them. They do so much for me and I want to return as much as possible to them. If there are any problems I can talk to my mother and my father. We search together for a solution. In our family it is very important to talk abuot problems. It makes me proud, that my family says they can send me to another country in the certainty, knowing that I will behave well.

    I’ve a great relationship to my grandparents.
    In my childhood we did very many things together and it brought me a great respect to older people. They did many trips with me and I have learned a lot of them. We often went to a near castle to watch the ducks I was fascinated by them. But if I was very young, only two or three years old I ever wanted to go out and see the cock, but when it then crocked I got fear and wanted to get away very, very fast. When my grandparents tell me this anecdote I always have to smile about my cock-craw-fear.
    When I went to kindergarten my grandparents prepared the lunch and we ate it together. Then my mother picked me up to take me home. When she had to work longer my grandmother and I bake together or we worked together on her beautiful garden. My grandmother taught me the main rules of cooking and baking. So nowadays I can already bake a lot of good-tasting cakes.

    Normally, my daily routine is going on like this. My day starts very early. At 5.30 I stand up and after I’ve taken a shower and breakfast, I go to the train station at 6.45. At 7.15 my train leaves for school. My first lesson at school starts at 7.35 and the last lesson of the day ends at 12.55. In the breaks between the different subjects, my friends and I sit on a bench and talk. After school, twice a week I go to my grandparents and eat lunch because my mother is still at work. After we finish lunching, I talk with my grandparents. When I come home I do my homework and go on the computer. Then I do some sport with my friends. Then my family and I eat dinner and after all I go to bed at 22.00.

    When I finish school, I want to become a helicopter pilot. That’s a big aim but I am willed to work very hard to realize my dream.

  • @also wenn ich ehrlich bin, find ich alle Texte sprachlich nicht so toll:

    Also ich find die sind sprachlich zum Teil schon ein bisschen zu gut. Also ich find's zT. eher schon ein bisschen zu förmlich (bei zum Beispiel Wortverknüpfungen wie furthermore usw). Die Texte sind größtenteils doch grammatikalisch total korrekt (ich hab in meinem Leben noch nie nen Brief von nem Ami gekriegt, der die Grammatik wirklich richtig verwendet hat und beim Reden ja sowieso nicht).

    Na ja. Egal was man schreibt, die Hostfam wird's schon okay finden und Verständnis dafür haben, dass man die Briefe irgendwie unüblich schreibt oder so. Vielleicht macht man sich da viel zu viele Sorgen...

    ~Who fights, can lose. Who doesn't fight, has already lost.~
    ~Believe in yourself and you'll get whereever you want.~

  • achso net wundern wenn euch en bissi was bekannt vorkommt ich hab mir von euren briefen sehr helfen lassen hoffe, das is net schlimm! meiner steht auch zum abschreiben zur verfügung
    Kathy: ach quatsch!!! *g*

    "It takes the shape of a place out west, but what it holds for her she hasn't yet guessed"

  • ihr habt alle so süße, persönliche briefe....
    ich glaube meiner war viel förmlicher ;-((((
    oh neeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......

    ~missin canada so much~ *maybe we can go back and do it all over again*
    **~It's a dangerous business, going out your door. Sometimes you step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to...~** ~The Lord of the Rings

  • hm auch wenn der Thread schon ein bisschen veraltet ist, schreib ich meinen Brief auch nochmal rein. Vllt. hilfts ja noch irgendwem ^^

    Dear host family,

    in the following I will try to describe myself the best I can and I hope it will give you a good impression of who I am, my family and my life in Germany.
    First I want to thank you for accepting me as a new family member into your home for a couple of months. It means a lot to me.
    My name is Veronika Hölker but my friends and my parents call me “Vero” or “Vroni”. I live in Stockheim which is a really small town in the middle of Germany near Frankfurt. I have no sisters or brothers.
    The grammar school I am attending at the moment is only about 3 kilometres away from my home town and I am one of approximately 1400 students. I like going to school very much because I have many favourite subjects: English, French, German, History, Geography and Arts. Besides, our spirit in class is very good because we always help each other and before a test we learn together in small groups which is very useful.
    After my education is finished I want to become a teacher mainly for languages like English, French and Spanish.
    My mother, Teresa, is 42 years old and she works at an insurance broker office. What she likes most about her job is that she is required to use her skills in English, German and Spanish all the time. She does a lot of sport in her free time such as workout and aerobics.
    My father, Ernst, is 50 years old and he works with a company which produces machines for packaging of all sorts of food and dairy products. Since those machines are sold to companies all over the world he spends quite some time abroad. It seems that, even after more than 20 years of travelling, he still likes to visit different places in the Far East or Latin America but for sure he enjoys being at home, too. In his free time at home he fixes his motorcycles and, eventually, takes care of the Sunday cooking.
    Of course there are arguments between me and my parents at times but I would say that I get along very well with both of them even though they have to remind me of my duties sometimes - but I am working on that. As my mother works a lot – she truly is the good spirit of the house – and I want her to have time left to relax and for her sports I help her with some household chores like vacuuming, dishwashing, ironing and, naturally, cleaning up my room.
    When my dad is at home I appreciate the time with him for discussing all sorts of things including school matters and the daily news.
    Last but not least we also have a pet, a boy cat called Benny. He has been living with us for 7 years now and he eats and sleeps all day long but he is very lovely.
    I think I am a very open person and I like laughing a lot as I have an extended sense of humour and I love making jokes with friends and also with my father. In case of any personal differences within family or friends I always intend to talk about it because I am convinced that there is no problem that cannot be solved in a way and the earlier the better.
    My friends are very important to me even though I would not say that I have a best friend because I get along with almost any kind of person. It is for that reason that I share my free time with different groups of friends. My hobbies are listening to music, meeting friends, drawing and reading, especially English books, to improve my writing skills and because it is more challenging than reading German books.
    Furthermore, I like working with the computer and designing homepages in the Internet, I also created our class homepage. Instead of going to parties I like going to cinema or to restaurants with my friends and sometimes I even prefer to stay at home with my parents.
    The reason I want to do this exchange is because I want to improve my English skills and I am very much interested in life in a different country especially what are the school and the people like in Canada. Travelling has always been exciting to me because my mother is from Colombia and I visit my relatives there every other year which I enjoy very much but I have never been to an English-speaking country.
    Furthermore, Canada seems very attractive to me because French is also spoken there and I do not want to miss this subject while I am away from my German school. That is why I concluded that going to Canada would be the right choice in this respect as well.
    I would like to learn more about Canada, your school system, your way of life, your history and what it is really like to live in a different country. I am really looking forward to the challenge of integrating into a new family life. This period abroad will give me a unique opportunity to share your life-style and to learn from you.
    I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I hope that it made you a little bit curious about me. I am already very curious about you.

    With best regards,

    "It takes the shape of a place out west, but what it holds for her she hasn't yet guessed"

  • hey!
    danke erstmal für eure antworten!! also, ich weiß echt noch nicht, in welche gastfam ich komme, der brief gehört mit zu meinen unterlagen, die dann nach spanien geschickt werden, und die gastfamilie mich halt "aussuchen" kann mit dem übersetztn, ich kenn ein paar leute, die aus spanien kommen, da hilft mir jemand. hab auch schon selbst ein bissl angefangen, ist aber wahrscheinlich komplett falsch aber ansonsten ist auch net sooo schlimm, wenn nicht alles der gleiche wortlaut, ist, hauptsache ist halt, der sinn ist genauso.
    achso, @polly: ja stimmt, ich würd wirklich gern in ne fam mit tieren oder kleineren kindern kommen, heißt aber nicht, dass ich was gegen jugendliche einzuwenden hätte
    also, nochmal danke euch beiden!!!
    LG, Nina

  • ich finde dein brief kommt voll sympatisch rüber....also ich find den voll süß und nett....
    aber von wem willst du das denn auf spanisch übersetzten lassen?denn den genauen wortlaut ´zu treffen wird bestimmt schwer....