@claudi [img]http://images.rapidforum.com/images/i139.gif[/img]

  • ja...deinen bruder kenn ich ja nicht....

    aber meine...oho...die sind sogar richtig abschreckend...

    da fällt mir ein, ich schrieb dir jetzt ne mail über nen jungen...ähm..

    der ist auch nen bisschen wr vom zu vielem und ...lol

    naja..egal ich schrieb dir jetzt!

  • jaaa du kleine clava-gina (die ex von meinem bruder heißt übrigens gina)...die mail ist ja richtig hammer geilo....also...männer...die sind doch alle irgendwo krank.....sgibt keinen normalen von denen.... *kopschüttel*

    ich such immernoch...vergebens...nach nem normalen mann! naja..eg nciht...da kann amn ja schon direkt aufgeben!

  • äääääähm okay keddy......... den gleichen smiley nochmal nur zur dir.............maaaaan hast die email gelesen.was für ne party......man man man
    maliiiiiiiii.......hab dich meeeeegaaaaaaa lieb du insektenvagina!!!!!!!
    afs kackt voll ab im moment....aber, egal!!!!!!!!!!!!
    orgs sind irgendwie

  • claudiiiiii, du weibliches geschlechtsteil eines vierbeiners, ich hab dich soo lüb *nurmalsosagenwollt* .
    um wieviel uhr fliegst du? haste schon dein ticket? ich hätts heute bekommen, wenn ich schon platziert wäre (ICH BIN PLASTZIERT, IHR DUMMEN LEUTE VON ICX!)

  • wowowo, die tinka mit ihren klugen infos mal wieder....^^

    claudi...du bist süß.....ich hab dich auch lieb.... ...warum musstest du denn weinen?!? so böse bin ich doch gar nicht....

    und die forumstrebr (ich sach ma keine namen) meckern auch wenn man seinen eigenen thread vollspammt; aber ich find ja man hat da nicht nur das anrecht drauf sondern auch die verpflichtung zu! (ein kluger satz, harhar)

    max der pimp hat heute meiner mutter erzählt er würde aufräumen weil sie für ihn gespült hat, hatter aber nicht, da ist die voll sauer geworden....

    yeah das foto von deinem heißen surflehrer...schick mir das einfach mal morgen...da bin ich bestimmt öfter on als heute...

    und morgen färht der kleine pimp inn abenteuer urlaub nach ähm, schweden, naja, hauptsache weg, loooooooool.....für 2 wochen! ich hab heut noch koffer gepackt...der kann dat ja nicht...

    was wollt ich noch sagen?!? achso...sachen die NIE nerven (merk dir das!) uuuund links und rechts und drehen uns im kreis tanzen taaanzen lalala.... (das heißt sorry das ich nicht da war, nächstes mal tanz ich mit!!)..

    love u 2 claudi! (---> mein markenzeichen, irgendwie, muss in jeden beitrag rein!)

  • looool
    gut klingt es ja, wa?
    hey heute war auf vox bei voxtours ne reportage über amazonien! da macht afs auch ne reise hin und die werd ich mitmachen!!!!!
    toootal geil!!!!!

  • ... Costa Rica General Information ...
    Within Costa Rica’s 51,200 square kilometers there is a wider variety of species of birds than in all of Europe or North America. With a relatively small population of roughly three and a half million inhabitants, Costa Rica also boasts of one of the oldest and more consolidated democracies in Latin America. In 1869, primary education for both sexes was declared obligatory and free of cost, defrayed by the State. In 1882 the death sentence was abolished. In the 1949 the armed forces were abolished and in 1983 Perpetual Neutrality was proclaimed. Prestigious international human rights organizations have their headquarters in Costa Rica. Because of this, and of its lush 1500 kilometers of tropical sun-bathed beaches and the wild diversity of flora and fauna to be found in its wide array of microclimates (most present in one or more of its National Parks), Costa Rica has justifiably earned its reputation of paradise regained.
    Costa Rica's microclimates vary from the barren cold volcanic tundra to the exotic cloud forest, from the deep dense jungle of Talamanca to the tropical dry forests of Guanacaste, from quiet gold-hued beaches where the Baulas Tortoises build their nests to the winding Tortuguero Canals where the crocodile is king. Even so, Costa Rica's overall climate can be best described as mild. Being located within the tropics, seasonal changes in Costa Rica are not as dramatic as they are in countries on other latitudes. There is a 'dry" season (equivalent to summer and spring) during which temperatures hover pleasantly in the high 60’s to low 70’s (20 -23 degrees C), which goes from December to May, and a "wet" season from June to November during which mornings are usually sunny and showers might be expected in the afternoon. On areas near the coasts, temperatures may be as much as ten degrees higher, where as at Chirripó Peak, the highest mountain in Costa Rica (3800 meters), temperatures may drop down to the freezing point. Tourists should bring light clothes
    Costa Rica is six hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which is equivalent to Central Time in North America. There is no daylight saving time.
    Costa Rica's official language is Spanish. On the Caribbean Coast a small minority of Jamaican descendants speak a local version of English, and most Costa Ricans can understand and speak a bit of English. Quite recently all public schools made mandatory the learning of a second language.
    As in the rest of Latin America, Roman Catholicism is Costa Rica’s main religion, but there is a very wide margin of tolerance and the constitutional freedom of creed is always respected. Costa Rica’s religions by percentage of practicing members: Roman Catholic 76.3%, Evangelical 13.7%, Jehovah's Witnesses 1.3%, other Protestant 0.7%, other 4.8%, none 3.2%.
    Legal System
    Costa Rica is a civil law country which means that the organization of the legal system is derived from the French Napoleonic Code as opposed to English common law. The Government of Costa Rica has 4 branches: The Judicial, Executive - President and cabinet ministers, Legislative - Elected members and Electoral Tribunal - takes over police and all government functions dealing with elections before each election. Members are usually unpaid volunteers who are judges. This is to ensure all elections are completely democratic and free.
    The national currency is the colon and dollars are easily exchanged at all banks, other foreign currency can be exchanged through private agencies. All mayor credit cards as well as travelers checks are widely accepted. The colon exchanges at 460 per dollar (as of March 2005) and can be expected to increment by 0,17 on average per day.
    The standard in Costa Rica is the same as in the United States: 110 volts AC (60 cycles). However, three-pronged outlets can be scarce, so it's helpful to bring along an adapter.
    Business Hours
    Most banks are open Monday through Friday from 9am to 3:30pm, although many have begun to offer extended hours. Offices are open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm (many close for 1 hr. at lunch). Stores are generally open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 6pm (many close for 1 hr. at lunch).
    There are postal and telegraph offices in cities and villages throughout the country. The Central Post Office is located in San José on Second Street between Avenues 1 and 3, and is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Radiográfica Costarricense is located on Fifth Avenue between Streets 1 and 3. This company provides telex, fax, international data transmission, and many other services (including Internet access). The country code for Costa Rica is 506, and there is no area code inside the country

  • hehe, damit ihr alle noch was lernt lol....
    muss dann aber was erzählenswertes suchen *g*....
    (mein Bruder hat mir grad Eis gebracht, also kann jetzt net suchen hehe)
    no comprendo portugues............
    estoy bien, claudi bonita!!

  • heeeey guapa tinka! tudo bem?
    klar darfste mitspammen....
    nur ehm worum gehts?
    wenns mal net um bam geht, dann gehts um äähm kp
    aber schön, dass du dich uns anschließt!!!
    ich hab was:
    hahahah wir werden sinnvoll in meinem thread uuuund zwar.....erzählt guapa tinka jetzt was über costa rice und so....

  • was mir noch einfällt.....
    ich wollt dir noch n foto zeigen..u know? von meinem surflehrer abdi aus der türkei? hab ich dir doch ma gesagt ne?
    jaaaa....das fällt mir grad ein....mhhh doof....du bist net da!!!
    hey @forumstreber.....spammen rockt! muhahahha
    mhhh....mir is langweilig....merkt mans?
    mh love u ked

  • okeeee nicht ganz, aber was solls....
    hat mein eigentlich das recht seinen eigenen thread voll zuspammen...oder kriegt man selbst dann von den strebern ausm forum eins aufn sack?
    das is ne frage mit der man sich beschäftigen kann....
    man kanns auch lassen....
    ich rede immer kacke....
    also in meinem thread
    hhahaha....das hab ich von dir
    eh wie gehts max dem pimp?