Brief an Hostfamily

  • ich find den satz grad net im text aber ich denk ma du wolltest schreiben ''die schule is hier in der nähe, wodurch ich mitm fahrrad hinfahrn kann'' oder so ähnlich, dann würd ich einfach schreiben ''so that i can go blabla''

    "Don't you hear? Don't you hear the dreadful voice that screams from the whole horizon, and that man usually calls silence?" (Lenz, Georg Büchner)

  • Zitat

    culture country

    sowas zum beispiel...einfach noch mal aufmerksam durchlesen und die fehler verbessern

    "Don't you hear? Don't you hear the dreadful voice that screams from the whole horizon, and that man usually calls silence?" (Lenz, Georg Büchner)

  • Hey Max,
    Also ich find deinen Brief vom Inhaltlichen und vom Aufbau her echt super geschrieben. Ich hab meinen auch gerade erst geschrieben und ich fands ziemlich schwer muss ich sagen, naja ^^ Also was ich auf jeden Fall noch machen würde ist mich am Anfang des Briefes ausführlich zuz bedanken, das kommt immer gut glaub ich... Mit welcher Orga fährst du denn?

  • Zitat

    I go to Nicolaus Cusanus Gymansium in Bergisch Gladbach being not far away from my home

    ich glaub das being kannst du weg lassen, war auch noch mal so glaub ich....hab auch noch zwei drei andere sachn gesehn, aber ich find den brief total gut!! auch vom inhaltlichen her

    "Don't you hear? Don't you hear the dreadful voice that screams from the whole horizon, and that man usually calls silence?" (Lenz, Georg Büchner)

  • Hi erstmal.....
    Ich habe gestern meinen Brief für die Hostfamily, der mit in die Application gelegt wird, geschrieben, bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, ob das jetzt alles so genau mit dem Inhalt und der Grammatik hinhaut.
    Wäre echt nett, wenn ihr euch die Mühe machen würdet den vlt mal durchlesen t und mir vlt ein paar Tipps geben würdet, wie ich den noch ein wenig verbessern könnte....
    Danke im Vorraus!!

    Dear hostfamily,
    My full name is Maximilian Riedel, but actually all of my friends or my family call me Max. I am 15 years old and was born on 5th of May. I live with my mother Heike (43 years old), my father Uwe-Karsten (43 years old), my brother Fabian (18 years old) and my turtle “Steini” in Bergisch Gladbach. Probably, you do not know the city itself very well , but only 15 miles away, there is Cologne with its very famous Cologne Cathedral. Bergisch Gladbach has a population of about 100.000 and is located in western Germany, but I was born in a town called Gera being located at the easern top of the federal state Thuringia that lies quite in the middle of Germany. We have been living now for more than 10 years in Bergisch Gladbach and nobody of my family regrets the decision. The only negative is the fact that I can just see my grandparents and my other relatives maybe three times a year, as the distance between us is of course very large.
    My father works as a gynecologist in his own medical practice with my mother helping from Monday to Wednesady. As I am only with my brother at home from Monday to Wednesday until late in the afternoon, I am very self-independant because i cook meals for us in the noon, like sausages with mashed-potatoes and have to organise and mind my own things early.
    I go to Nicolaus Cusanus Gymansium in Bergisch Gladbach being not far away from my home by what I can go there by bike which takes only 5 minutes. Right at the moment I attend the 10. class. My favourite subjects are History, French and physical education. Mostly I enjoy going to school, because all my friends are there that make alwayas a lot of fun. My brother goes to the same school like I do. The realtionship between my brother and me changes from day to day. At some days he behaves very friendly and I like playing with him some games, but already the next day he bothers me the whole day and does not leave me alone even after asking him for it a couple of times. Anyway, all in all, I can say that we have a good relationship in spite of these arguments.
    In my spare time I really enjoy playing Badminton. I play Badminton for more than a year in a team and will start playing matches against other teams very soon. In my opinion I am a very sportif person as I also played tennis for 6 years, before I started Badminton. Besides I have a passion for soccer. When I meet my friends we usually play soccer or comuter games or we just hang around, but at least once a week almost all students of our class meet on a football ground where we play for about a couple of hours just for fun. Sometimes I enjoy spending time for myself of course, too. I read books, listen to music, chat with friends on the internet or just lie on my sofa and watch some televison or try just to relax a little bit. If I do not have something else to do I also really like to play computer games, mostly on the Internet.
    I have many reasons why I want to make a student exchange. I think the exchange is a great experience and you learn a lot about another culture country. It’s a big difference whether you go on holiday or live in a country and I’m so happy that I will get the chance to live in the USA for half a year.
    In our History lessons, we have already learrned a lot about the American History , but almost nothing about the culture and that’s a reason why I want to go there to get to know the inhabitans, the culture, the landscape, the animals and so on.
    Another reason why I chose the USA for my exchange is the fact that I think that there is a solidarity between the USA and Germany not only because American soldiers freed Germany from the Nazi Regime, but also because more than 7.000.000 immigrants from Germany came to the USA and today one quarter of the American population has German ancestors.
    I’m looking forward to intergrate into a different way of family life. I’m really excited and can't wait to come to the USA..
    Now I would like to thank you for taking time to read this letter and I hope you'll host me and let me stay with your family in your house for half a year.

    Greetings from Germany