Hostfamily letter

  • Also ich finds nicht schlimm, wenn man seinen Letter proofreaden lässt, manchmal macht der nämlich einen ganz anderen eindruck auf andere, als man denkt und möchte... und ich denke mal das ist eines der wichtigsten Kriterien, nach denen die Familien auswählen!
    Muss jeder selber wissen, aber man holt ja nur andere Meinungen ein, verändert ihn ja nicht zwangsweise. :)
    Grüße aus Melbourne :thumbsup:

  • ich kann das auch nur nochmal unterstützen, was einige hier schon geschrieben haben. macht euch da nicht zu viele gedanken drüber, schreibt ihn nicht zu oft um und lasst andere leute am besten nur ein paar rechtschreibfehler korrigieren, wenn überhaupt. denn mal im ernst, je öfter oder je mehr leute an einem text rumfeilen, desto weniger spiegelt er am ende die eigene persönlichkeit wieder. und die gastfamilie suchen die schüler ja nicht danach aus, wer den besten satzbau hat, sondern wie der brief auf sie wirkt. und ob "perfekt" da wichtig ist ..?
    ich bin da auch schon durch und nach langem hin und her hab ich ihn komplett neu geschrieben und dann nur nochmal durch das word-rechtschreibprogramm laufen lassen. und ich habe eine ganz wunderbare gastfamilie! :) viel glück euch!!

  • Hey könnte sich einer von euch sich vielleicht auch mal meinen Brief ansehen ? Das wär voll lieb von euch
    LG Laura

    Host Family,

    first of all I would like to thank you so much for thinking to host me for the
    next 10 month.

    In this letter I'm trying to give you an impression of my personality and to
    introduce myself, my family and the things I normally do.

    My family, that means my mom Marion who works as an anesthesia nurse and
    her partner Martin who works as a doctor, my older sister Jana and my
    younger brother Niels and I live in a house in a midsize town with a
    population 120 thousand people, called Paderborn.

    We have a cat Max and a dog Nala but I am mainly caring about Max, because he
    is my cat.

    In my free time I love to read books (in the moment my favorite author is
    Nicholas Sparks) or listen to music (I love musicals like “Wicked”
    or “Mamma Mia”), meet friends or sometimes I go jogging with my

    In School my favorite subjects are English (I love the language, it's
    one of the reasons why I want to do this High School Year in the USA)
    Natural Science like Chemistry and biology and Art (at school my
    elective course is Art).

    Here in Germany I go to the catholic St. Michael School for girls.
    We have normal subjects like German, English, Mathematics, Biology, History,
    Geography and Sports and one elective subject, we can decide between
    Social Science, Biology, French and Arts (which I have chosen).

    The Reason why I want to live for such a long time in another
    country, far away from my family is because: *because I want to become more
    independent, *because I want to improve my english, and *because I want
    to learn more about the American culture and that not just as a

    And I have chosen the USA because it interests me, the diversity of the
    country, the many options.

    I hope we will meet next year, I'm sure we will have a great time
    together Thank you so much again.

    With the best wishes from


  • Ja ich glaube das ist eine gute idee!! :DD

    Achso, okey, wenn ihr nur 400 Wörter schreiben sollt... ich solllte damals 2 seiten dann kann man natürlich ausführlicher schrieben. :)

    Haha hätte ich mir eigentlich denken können sorry!

    Kein ding! Bei welcher Organisation bewirbst du dich eigentlich?

  • Danke für die Tipps :)

    Das mit Australien und Neuseeland besser nicht zusammen, hab ich auch schon gedacht und ich werd auch zwei briefe machen, also einen mit aus und in den anderen schreibe ich dann nz. Aber es hätte ja nichts gebracht hier zwei nahezu identische Briefe reinzustellen ;)

    Wegen dem noch ausfürlicher, wsa soll ich da noch zur Familie schreiben? Es gibt nämlich eigendlich nichts groß mehr... Hättest du da vllt noch eine Idee?

    Das Problem ist halt es sollen etwa 400 Wörter sein, aber nur eine Seite und ich kann die Schrift ja nicht total klein machen...

    Achso, Absetzte hatte ich eigendlich drin, aber die sind beim hier rein kopieren irgendwie weggegangen...

    Nochmal Danke :)

  • oh und nochwas: australier und neuseeländer verstehen sich nicht besonders gut (ich weiß, klischee-trifft nicht auf alle zu) aber soweit ich weiß mögen die meisten es nicht verglichen zu werden deshalb weiß ich nicht ob es so australien und neuseeland gleich zu stellen, da wo du schreibst was dir so gut gefällt vorallen die sache mit den wombat (die gibts doch nur in aus oder?)

    aber ist schwer, ichwüsste jetzte auch nicht wie man schreiben soll warum man dahin will ohne die länder gleichzustellen oder zu vergleichen...

    naja wollte ich dir nur sagen! :D

  • Hey, ich finde den auch schon ziemlich gut! Kommt sehr offen und symphatisch rüber! (Y)

    was ich nochverbessern würde:
    -ein paar kleine Rechtschreibfehler aber nix schlimmes
    -die sätze sind oft sehr kurz, vlt kannst du sie ja iwie verbinden damit es schöner klingt
    -absätze &bisschen struktur in den text bringen

    aber das sind nur so feinheiten, vom inhalt finde ich das schon ganz gut! :DD

    was wir reintun mussten, vlt willst du das ja auch noch dazu schreiben : stärken&schwächen, charakter&eigenschaften,warum grade AUS/NZ&ein ATJ ruhig noch ausführlicher, familienleben noch ausführlicher! :DD


  • wow ich find den richtig schön :)
    okay ist vllt nciht so hilfreich aber ich find den auf jeden fall super :D

    ich würde nur vllt, und das liegt auch iwie nur daran das ich da grad iwie kurz abgelenkt war und das dann nochmal gelesen hab am ende statt the reasons for me my reasons schreiben ...
    naja keine ahnung :D

    iuch find den auf jeden fall richtig super und wenn ich daran denke wie mein brief aussah ... :blush: ähm ja denke ich lieber nciht dran :D

  • Hey, ich wollte euch mal fragen, was ihr von meinem Brief haltet :) Vllt habt ihr ja noch Tipps, was ich anders schreiben könnte... Danke im voraus ;)
    Dear hostfamily,

    I’m very grateful that you accept me as a new family member into your home.My name is Hannah and I was born on 22sc September 1997. I live with my family in Freiburg near the black forest. Freiburg isn’t such a big city (240000 habitants) but a nice one. Many tourists daily visit Freiburg.I visit the eighth grade at St. Ursula-Gymnasium, Gymnasium is something like a High School in Australia and New Zealand, and my favourite subjects are Latin, Maths, Chemistry, English and Natural Science. Every morning I cycle five kilometres to school.After finishing the school I want to go to University and I could imagine studying medicine.The school is the reason why I haven’t much free time, but my friends and I always find time to meet and then we often go to cinema or to something else for example make funny photos of each other. If I don’t meet my friends I like to read books, but I haven’t got a favourite book, because I read everything. Painting or drawing, cycling the unicycle or taking nature photos by camera are some of my favourite activities.My family and I live in a house with a big garden. I have six years old twin brothers, who visit the first class of the elementary school. My mother is a ‘stay home mom’ and in the afternoon she often takes my brothers to all sorts of activities. My stepfather works at a big pharmaceutical group in Switzerland. Even if we leave the house at different times and some of us come back very late, we try to eat once together and to talk about our day.My 12 years old sister and my father live together with his partner in Munich.My parents are divorced since I was two years old so I can’t remember and the situation was never a big thing for me and I still have good contact to my dad and my sister.

    I also have a little hamster called Fritzi. He is very cute.

    Sometimes my mother has to remind me of helping in the household, but then I do it.

    To earn money for my exchange year I carry out newspaper.

    I’ve never been in Australia or New Zealand, but I think they’re fantastic countries. The nature also elates me- I felt in love sawing a photo of a little wombat.Improving my English, learning more about another culture and meeting new people are the reasons for me to do the student exchange year.
    I’m so excited to meet you,
    Ich freu mich sehr darauf euch kennenzulernen (German),

    Yours Hannah

  • Danke schön euch beiden! Ihr habt mir echt geholfen. :)
    Vor allem danke an "Au Pair" :) Ich denke ich werdes einiges davon ändern, was du geschrieben hast, allerdings nicht alles.
    LG Julia :D

  • Hey Julia :)
    Finde deinen Letter auch sehr genial! Hab ihn hier nochmal nach meiner Meinung etwas "überarbeitet", wobei das alles nur mein persönliches Gefühl ist und als Gedankenanstoß dienen soll, also keine Kritik oder so ;)

    Und los gehts:

    Dear host family!

    First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. In the
    following I will introduce myself and tell you something about my German life
    and the reasons which led to my decision to do an exchange year. I hope this
    will help you to get to know me a bit in advance.

    My name is Julia and I was born on the 20th August 1996. This means that I
    will be 16 years old when we meet in summer.

    In my spare time I play tennis in a club, read books or meet my friends to do things
    together (cinema, shopping, sports, etc). I also like writing, jumping on our trampoline,
    biking or listening to music. But I personally am not very musical and I don’t
    play any instrument.
    (Das würde ich persönlich weglassen.)
    My family is very important to me. I have a younger brother (****) and a younger sister (****)
    who are twins and both **** years old. Although we sometimes argue, I get along
    with them well and we often do things together like for example playing
    badminton in the garden in front of our house or playing a game. The relationship
    to my parents is also very good. I love and trust them and I can talk to them
    whenever I have a problem. (Sehr genial ;) ) My dad’s name is **** and my mum’s name is ****.
    My dad works as a **** and my mum has a job as a ****.
    (My Dad *** works as a *** and my Mum *** has a job as a *** ) To my family also belongs our cat
    Jacky and my sister’s two rabbits.

    We all live in a small village in the west of Germany which is called
    “****”. There are only about 400 inhabitants in **** and (...,where there are/with about 400 inhibitants.) the nearest big town is ****.

    I attend grade 10 (ten) at school and my favourite subjects are German and English. The only
    subjects I don’t really like are natural sciences like physics or chemistry.
    (Würde ich evtl. auch weglassen...) Maybe
    I will study journalism later, but I’m not sure about this yet. Luckily I still
    have some years to think about it.

    I think my friends would describe me as helpful, reliable and tolerant. I always try to be
    honest and I also value honesty in other people.
    I think I’m more the calm kind of person
    but I’m also open-minded and flexible.

    I don’t smoke and I don’t have any allergies or illnesses but I should mention that I’m
    a vegetarian. This doesn’t mean that you have to cook special meals for me
    because I just eat what is there and leave out the meat. I’m used to this
    because apart from me no one of my family is a vegetarian and so my mum also
    doesn’t cook any special things for me. So I hope this won’t be a reason for
    you not to choose me.

    Through your decision to let me be part of your family for 10 month you would give me the chance
    to live one of my biggest dreams. Until now, I have never been in the United States
    and in my opinion an exchange year would be the best way to change this fact.

    I’m fascinated by the many different kinds of people who live in your country and I
    want to experience the American way of life, the famous school spirit and
    everything else. I want to learn everything about the USA and its
    culture and I couldn’t describe how much it would mean to me if you would give
    me this possibility.
    (hört sich irgendwie komisch an. Aber wenn du ihn so lassen solltest, würde ich: "can not" schreiben ;) )
    Of course, I could also tell you something about Germany, its culture and the German
    traditions, if you would like.

    So I hope you know (now) that I can’t wait to meet you and please forgive me if I made any grammatical
    mistakes in this letter! I’m still learning and
    (ebenfalls weglassen) I hope that I can improve my English
    soon. :-)

    Aber wie gesagt, er ist so wie er jetzt ist auch gut! Also lass dich bloß nicht verunsichern, is nur mein Gefühl :)

    Grüße und toi, toi, toi...

  • Hey :D

    Ich finde deinen Letter echt gut! Vorallem den letzten Teil hast du echt schön geschrieben.
    Der ist sehr persönlich und offen! *daumenhoch*

    Am Anfang habe ich manchmal ein bisschen das Gefühl das es so "deutsches englisch" ist... ich kann nicht genau beschreiben wie ich das meine und es kann auch gut sein das es gar nicht stimmt... war nur so mein Gefühl :D
    kleiner Flüchtgigkeitsfehler: To my familiy also belongs our cat.

    Aber ansonsten echt gut!


  • Hi, könntet ihr über meinen Brief eventuell auch mal drüber lesen? Das wär echt nett! :)


    Dear host family!

    First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter. In the
    following I will introduce myself and tell you something about my German life
    and the reasons which led to my decision to do an exchange year. I hope this
    will help you to get to know me a bit in advance.

    My name is Julia and I was born on the 20th August 1996. This means that I
    will be 16 years old when we meet in summer.

    In my spare time I play tennis in a club, read books or meet my friends to do things
    together (cinema, shopping, sports, etc). I also like writing, jumping on our trampoline,
    biking or listening to music. But I personally am not very musical and I don’t
    play any instrument.

    My family is very important to me. I have a younger brother (****) and a younger sister (****)
    who are twins and both **** years old. Although we sometimes argue, I get along
    with them well and we often do things together like for example playing
    badminton in the garden in front of our house or playing a game. The relationship
    to my parents is also very good. I love and trust them and I can talk to them
    whenever I have a problem. My dad’s name is **** and my mum’s name is ****.
    My dad works as a **** and my mum has a job as a ****. To my family also belong our cat
    Jacky and my sister’s two rabbits.

    We all live in a small village in the west of Germany which is called
    “****”. There are only about 400 inhabitants in **** and the nearest big town is ****.

    I attend grade 10 at school and my favourite subjects are German and English. The only
    subjects I don’t really like are natural sciences like physics or chemistry. Maybe
    I will study journalism later, but I’m not sure about this yet. Luckily I still
    have some years to think about it.

    I think my friends would describe me as helpful, reliable and tolerant. I always try to be
    honest and I also value honesty in other people.
    I think I’m more the calm kind of person
    but I’m also open-minded and flexible.

    I don’t smoke and I don’t have any allergies or illnesses but I should mention that I’m
    a vegetarian. This doesn’t mean that you have to cook special meals for me
    because I just eat what is there and leave out the meat. I’m used to this
    because apart from me no one of my family is a vegetarian and so my mum also
    doesn’t cook any special things for me. So I hope this won’t be a reason for
    you not to choose me.

    Through your decision to let me be part of your family for 10 month you would give me the chance
    to live one of my biggest dreams. Until now, I have never been in the United States
    and in my opinion an exchange year would be the best way to change this fact.

    I’m fascinated by the many different kinds of people who live in your country and I
    want to experience the American way of life, the famous school spirit and
    everything else. I want to learn everything about the USA and its
    culture and I couldn’t describe how much it would mean to me if you would give
    me this possibility.

    Of course, I could also tell you something about Germany, its culture and the German
    traditions, if you would like.

    So I hope you know that I can’t wait to meet you and please forgive me if I made any grammatical
    mistakes in this letter! I’m still learning and I hope that I can improve my English
    soon. :-)

    With best wishes,