Hostfamily letter

  • Hey Leute!
    ich wollte euch nur mal fragen, wie ihr meinen Hostfamily-Letter findet...

    Host Family,

    name is *** and I am 14 years old. My parents and me live in a house with a
    nice little garden in a suburb of *** called ***. My dad, works as a medicinal chemist in
    research for ***. He is a very cheerful person and often makes jokes with me.
    My mum *** studied food chemistry but now works in information management for
    the chemical industry. She is always there when I need her to talk with and she
    takes care of our garden. Each time of the year there are flowers in blossom.

    are ten minutes from the city of ***, where my school is, the *** Gymnasium. Things I like most about school are the
    extra-curricular activities. I take part in Debating Club (we debate in
    English) and DELF, where you can do a diploma in French language. Usually, I
    come home from school at about 3 PM and eat lunch together with my mum. As I
    don’t have any sisters or brothers, she waits for me because I don’t like having
    meals alone. When she is working on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I am sometimes
    preparing lunch for the two of us. I am not that good at cooking; I just can do
    things like noodles or pancakes. But I love creating desserts especially baking
    cakes or muffins. As a birthday present for my godparents I made chocolate

    one of my hobbies is reading books mainly fantasy novels (I love classic
    fantasy, not that romantic stuff like twilight).
    Sometimes I am reading mangas (Japanese comics) for regarding different drawing
    styles since I draw manga girls for myself, too. My favourite sport is tennis;
    every summer I participate in local competitive tennis matches called
    Medenspiele. Furthermore I often go swimming with a friend of mine. I also like
    playing tabletop soccer in which I beat all of my friends!

    year, my parents and me go skiing for one week in a little village in
    Switzerland, which I like very much. I love snow and my biggest birthday wish
    every year is snowfall on my birthday, the *** of December. In summer vacation,
    we often spend our holidays by the sea, for example in Turkey or Crete. Two
    years ago we rented an RV in the southwest of the US. We drove from Las Vegas
    to Denver and visited several breathtaking National Parks, which I enjoyed very
    much. I tried to take a photo of every squirrel and chipmunk I saw because I
    love little furry animals. So I wouldn’t mind at all if you had a hamster or a
    rabbit but sorry, I am afraid of big dogs and horses. In my family we are all
    non-smokers and I think I would have a real problem with cigarette smoke in the

    my exchange I chose Canada due to its great nature and wildlife. I preferred
    Kelowna because I read about the mild climate, the nearby mountains (it would
    be great to go skiing and try the famous Canadian “champagne powder”) and of
    course, the Okanagan Lake with the Ogopogo. I am curious to make new
    experiences, get to know the Canadian culture and being part of the Canadian
    way of life.

    you for giving me the opportunity of becoming a member of your family.



  • Hey Glückwunsch!!!
    ist ja cool!

    Haha bitte bitte...

    Ja bei den Fäachern war ich mir auch nicht sicher, in englisch wird ja fast alles klein geschrieben...
    Ja und du hast recht, das ist denen bestimmt egaal!DIe werden sich den ATS nicht dfanach aussuchen wir perfekt sein englisch ist...
    Wie sollte das werden wenn jmd nach China will aber kein/wenig chinesisch kann, für den gibts ja auch familien!! :)

  • Cool, Danke (:
    Also bei dem mit class community meinte ich das ich mit meiner klasse gut klarkomme also keine probleme in der KG hab.

    ich glaube fächer werden groß geschrieben. ich bin mir aber auch nciht sicher, aber ich glaub eh dass das der hf recht wurscht ist : D
    und, nein ich hab noch keine Host family f. Die sucht sich mich erst aus :DD

    Ja, das mit den Absätzen ist nur weil man das hier reinkopiert : D
    ich hab heute den Brief bekommen dass ich angenommen wurde bei Ayusa. Woooohoooo : D

  • na gut
    aber keine garantie das es richtig ist ich schriebs nur mal so wie ichs machen würde...

    Dear Host family,

    First of all, I want to thank you for give me the chance to become a part of

    family and to live my dream as an exchange student in the United States.

    My Name is Ricarda but my Family and Friends call me Ricci.

    Right now I’m 15 years old, but when we meet in Summer 2012 I’ll be 16.

    I was?? born at the 9.november 1995 and live in a little village next to Frankfurt.

    My family and I get along well. In summer we often are in the garden and

    things like barbeque, playing Badminton, riding the bike with our 10- years old

    Dog-Lady called Lissy ;), or we just sit there,talk and fool around.

    When I say family, I mean my mom Birgit, my Dad Wolfgang my sister Patricia
    and her boyfriend Markus.

    My Mom is 47 Years old and works as a pediatric nurse in a hospital.

    My Das is 48 Years old and worked as a prison officer, but now he’s

    because he is ill at his back.

    My sister is 19 Years old , finished her education as a bilingual secretary
    and is going to do her translator in French and Spanish.

    Her boyfriend Markus works in a heating and electro Company.
    They are
    together for almost 2 Years now.

    Right now I visit the 9th grade of a Gymnasium.
    My favourite subjects are English, Music and Politics.
    got no problems in the class community (Meinst du: wir haben eine gute Klassengemeintschaft(würde ich so schreiben: we have a good community in our class
    oder ich habe keine Probleme mit der KG?)

    and many friends of mine go in the same

    In my free-time I often meet friends and we do things like riding the

    making a DVD-evening, go to cinema, shopping or we visit concerts.

    My favourite music artists are 3Oh!3, Sunrise Avenue, Owl City, Bowling for Soup and Sportsfreunde Stiller.
    Music is an important part of my life. I play the piano for almost 5

    right now and I still love it. :D

    I also enjoy riding the bike, but I ride it more the comfortable way
    than the fast.
    And I’m in the school garden-club at school.
    I’m also a very animal-liking person and vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, Fish
    things with gelatine, but I’ve got no problems with people that eat meat and if it’s

    little too stress to cook a special diner for me I’m also able to cook

    vegetarian-food-parts by myself.

    When I meet someone for the first time I may be a little shy, but after I talked a

    to the foreign persons I am not shy anymore.

    I asked my friends how they would describe me and they said that I’m a positively

    thinking, friendly, kind, humorous, open-minded and tolerant person that
    smiles and laughts a lot.

    You may ask yourself why I want to do an exchange year in the U.S.A.

    The biggest reason for my exchange year dream is that I want understand a

    foreign culture better and experience another daily life than in
    One of the things that also interests me a lot is how people in other countries

    with each other. As well I like the English language a lot and I would
    be very

    happy to speak it more fluently.

    I hope (würde ich rauslassen and think) that we will have a great and nice time together
    and I’m looking
    forward to meet you next summer.(:




    Aber sind wenn dann nur kleine Fehler. Ansonsten echt toll!!!
    Hast du schon ne family??
    Achso bei den Schulfächern bin ich mir nicht sicher ob mann die groß oder klein schreibt...

  • hey
    das ist ja voll der coole brief!!

    und voll lang
    es sind (glaub ich) ein paar rechtschreibfehler drin(kann aber auch sein das ich es falsch mache)
    ich kann ja mal gucken wie ich es machen würde(morgen oder so) wenn du willst aber ich weiß auch nicht ob mein englisch besser ist.
    und die family wird dich sicher nicht nicht nehmen wegen den paar fehlern, du willst ja auch besser englisc lernen

    den teil wie deine freunde dich beschreiben finde cih super!!

  • Hallo (:
    Ich hab jetzt auch meinen Host Family letter fertig und es wäre nett wenn vielleicht nochmal jemand drüberschauen würde wegen Grammatik und Rechschreibfehlern ^^

    Dear Host

    At first I want to thank you for give me the chance to become a part of your
    family and to live my dream as an exchange student in the united states.

    My Name is
    Ricarda but my Family and Friends call me Ricci.

    Right now I’m 15 years old, but when we meet in Summer 2012 I’ll be 16.

    I’m born at the 9.november 1995 and live in a little village not far away from Frankfurt.

    My family and I get along well. In summer we often are in the garden and do
    things like barbeque, playing Badminton, riding the bike with our 10- Years old
    Dog-Lady called Lissy ;), or we just sit there and talk and fool around.

    When I say
    family I mean my mom Birgit, my Dad Wolfgang my sister patricia and her
    boyfriend Markus.

    My Mom is
    47 Years old and works as a pediatric nurse in a hospital.

    My Das is 48 Years old and worked as a prison officer, but now he’s retired
    because he is ill at his back.

    My sister
    is 19 Years old , finished her education
    as a bilingual secretary and is going to do her translator in French and

    boyfriend Markus works in a heating and electro Company. They are together for
    almost 2 Years now.

    Right now I visit the 9th grade of
    a Gymnasium. My favourite subjects are English, Music and Politics. I’ve got no
    problems in the class community and many friends of mine go in the same class
    like me.

    In my free-time I often meet friends and we do things like riding the bike,
    making a DVD-evening, go to cinema, shopping or we visit concerts.

    favourite music artists are 3Oh!3, Sunrise Avenue, Owl City,
    Bowling for Soup and Sportsfreunde
    Stiller. Music is an important part of my life, I play Piano for almost 5 years
    right now and I still love it :D

    I also enjoy riding the bike, but I ride it more the comfortable way than the
    fast. And I’m in the school garden-club at school. I’m also a very
    animal-liking person and vegetarian, so I don’t eat meat, Fish and things with
    gelatine, but I’ve got no problems with people that eat meat and if it’s a
    little too stress to cook a special diner for me I’m also able to cook my
    vegetarian-food-parts by myself.

    When I meet
    someone for the first time I may be a little shy, but after I talked a little
    to the foreign persons I am not shy

    I asked my
    friends how they would describe me and they said that I’m a positively
    thinking, friendly, kind, humorous, open-minded and tolerant person that smiles and laughts a lot.

    You may ask yourself why I want to do an exchange year in the U.S.A.

    the biggest reason for my exchange year dream is that I want understand a
    foreign culture better and experience another daily life than in Germany. One of
    the things that also interests me a lot is how people in other countries behave
    with each other. As well I like the English language a lot and I would be very
    happy to speak it more fluently.

    I hope and
    think that we will have a great and nice time together and I’m looking forward
    to meet you next summer.(:



  • Ja, ich glaub auch mit 'it'. Weil angenommen du willst auf englisch sagen "Ich liebe meine Familie. Sie ist sehr groß." würde ich das persönlich auch "I love my family. It is very big." übersetzen, auch wenn sichs irgendwie komisch anhört :D
    Aber family ist aufjedenfall Singular und das 's' muss mit! :DD

  • Bei dem mit der family hatte ich voll lange überlegt :D Weil da gibts ja diesen coolen Merkspruch " he/she/it das "s" muss mit :D und das verwirrt mich jetzt ;D also wird family mit "it" ersetzt oder mit "they"? Wahrscheinlich mit it oder?
    Achja, und dankeschöön fürs drüberschauen und helfen ^.^

  • Hey :)

    Also soweit ich das sehe sind nur ein paar kleine Fehler drinnen: ;)

    - " ... and our whole family supports this wish ... " the family = Einzahl.

    - Dann würde ich bei der einer Stelle das lieber so schreiben: "She is a friendly, balanced, happy and quite independent girl ... ".

    - "She's a little bit shy with foreign people at the beginning ... ".

    - Bei dem mit dem Music Concerts würde ich noch ein weiteres Beispiel nennen (:

    - "Ricarda also has a developed ..."

    - " ... she has got two rabbits ... "

    - " ... that we could give you a better ..."

    - Bei "We are very grateful that you make it possible to let her wish come true." würde ich anstatt 'wish', 'dream' oder sowas ähnliches nehmen; weil im nächsten Satz die Grußformel mit 'Best wishes' kommt und es besser klingen würde.
    Aber das ist nur so ein Gedankengang von mir :p

    Ansonsten klingt der Brief doch sehr gut :)

    Hoffe ich konnte dir helfen :)
    LG <3

  • Hey(:
    Dieses Thema/threat-dings ist zwar schon ein bisschen älter aber ich häng mich einfach mal hinten ran :D
    Also meine Eltern mussten auch so einen Host Family letter schreiben indem sie mich beschreiben undso, und da die beide nicht wirklich englisch können musste ich den irgendwie übersetzen. Wäre voll nett wenn mal jemand drüberschauen könnte wegen der grammatik undso. Und auch sonst so ob noch was inhaltliches interessant wäre, weil ich find ihn ein bisschen kurz ;D
    okay, Danke schonmal (:


    First we
    would like to thank you, for giving our daughter Ricarda the chance to
    get to know the U.S as an exchange student and to become a part of your daily
    life.This exchange year is Ricardas biggest wish for quite some time and our whole family
    support this wish.

    She is a
    friendly, balanced, happy girl and quite independent for her age. As the only
    vegetarian in our family she often cooks for herself.

    She’s a
    little shy at the beginning when she’s with foreign people, but after a little
    time she takes her shyness off. She quickly integrates herself and is tolerant
    and honest to other people.
    She likes cultural offerings like music concerts.

    Ricarda also got a developed sense of justice, she is engaged for other people and can
    represent her opinion well.

    with animals isn’t a problem for her, she got two rabbits and to our family
    belongs a middle-sized dog, called Lissy.

    All in all
    we would say that our daughter is an
    uncomplicated person.

    We hope
    that we could gave you a better imagine of the character from Ricarda.

    We are very
    grateful that you make it possible to let her wish come true.

    Best wishes

    and many thanks in advance

    Birgit K. und Wolfgang K.

    Die Absätze einfach ignorieren, ich hab das da reinkopiert deswegen sind die iwie ein wenig komisch.;D

  • Zu den Hostfamily Lettern, macht euch da keine so Sorgen darum , ich habe auch ewigkeiten an meinem Brief erumgetueftelt. aber im endeffekt bin ich mittlerweile der meinung, dass einfach jeder seinen brief so schreiben sollte wie er ihn schreibt und sich nichts von andren reinreden lassen sollte. den das ist eure art und ihr shcickt den an eure kuenftige gastfam. also die werden euch eh persoenlich kennenlernen. also schreibt diesen brief und gut ist. wenn ihr wegen grammatikfehlern angst habt, dann fragt doch einfahc euren englischlehrer, denn die helfen normalerweise gerne ;)
    macht euch einfahc nicht solche gedanken
    lg :)

  • Hallo liebe Unbekannte ;)
    Ich hab mir grad mal gedacht, dass ich so nett bin und ein paar Fehler korrigieren werde. Ich schreibe das korrigerte einfach in einer anderen Farbe.

    Dear Hostfamily,

    I am *** and 16 Years old.
    But almost everybody calls me Lissi.
    First I want to thank you so much that you are thinking aboutchoosing me and that you want me to stay in your home for 10 month. Anmerkung: Den Satz wenn möglich ein bisschen verkürzen I am very happy about that and I know it is a big responsibility.
    In this letter I would like you to tell you something about me, my family and my hobbies.

    I was born on 8th Mai 1994 in Münster.That means, that I will be 17, when we meet in summer. My parents and Ilive in a small house in ***. *** is a little town and has about 1000 inhabitants. Münster is maybe 25 minutes awayfrom ***. You can reach itby bus or car. I like Münster very much. It isn't too small and not too big. You can come easily go from one point to the other. Moreoveryou can visit a lot of places in the city-centre.
    My mom, ***, wasborn in ***, and livedin Germany since she was 22 years old. She works at a office, but i don't know what she exactly does.Anmerkung: Du solltest nicht sagen, dass du nicht weißt was sie macht, weil sich das uninteressiert anhört. Du könntest es entweder ganz rauslassen oder deine Mutter fragen und es dann mit einfügen.
    My dad, ***, wasborn in Germany. Earlier, he workedat a restaurant, but know he is workingat anoffice and repairs computer.
    I have an older sister, ***. she is 23 years old and lives with herboyfriend and her son, ***, 2 streets away from me. She works at a Nursing home. My Nephew *** is 3 years old and I spend a lot of time with him. They come everyday to us and we eat cake or do other things together. It is always funny with them. My mom and I do a lot of things with ***, for example we go to Zoo with him or go swimming. *** is like a little brother for me.
    I have a really good realtionship with my parents. With my sister and her boyfriend, I have a godd relationship aswell. From time to time I do sth with them. I went into a skiinghall with them or go to city, for example.
    My family loves travelling. We have travelled to many European countries. We especially like Portugal and Austrian so we go there almost every year.

    Now I’ll describe a little bit of myself:
    When I first meet you, I’ll probably be shy and reserved. But I think that will change as soon as I've got to know you better. I’m a person who is very inquisitive and likes to laugh and do jokes, but sometimes I’m a bit shy and a BIT untidily. ;) I’m a normal teenage girl I’d say.

    Here, I go to a school which is called “**** Realschule”. It’s something like the Junior High and the High School together. My school has 1 000 pupils and I am in the 9th Grade. Im in a special class, it is called Laptop class. We do everything with the laptop, almost all School hours. In my class are 30 pupils and most of my better friends are in this class, too. I’m very lucky with my class and I think we have a great class spirit.
    At school we can’t choose the courses we want to. Every pupil has to take the same courses. We can only choose whether we want to take French, Informatik, Bilogy orSocial works. I have been learning English for 5 and a half years.

    In my free-time I enjoy reading books (I don’t have a favorite book but I like love stories, for example the Twilight Saga or other). I like listening to music but I for myself don’t play aninstrument. I played the flute for 3 years (I started when I was 7). I would like to learn playing the piano, Maybe I’ll start someday.
    I enjoy spending time with my friends. I like going to the cinema with them, to Christmas markets, going shopping or baking some tasty cookies together for example. I have 2 best friends who are bothgirls and their names are *** (16) and *** (15). Im afraid that *** live about 10 miles away from me and so we only meet in school and at the weekends.Anmerkung: Der Satz ist mir irgendwie unverständlich, weil du ja sagst, dass du Angst hast, dass *** 10Meilen von dir weg wohnt.

    In the moment I don’t do any other sports thanschool sport, but I think about starting to play badminton.

    Maybe you are wondering why I want to live in another country for one year
    Because I want to become acquainted absolute with a new culture and not just like a tourist.
    I want to learn more about the American people and the american culture.
    And, of course, I want to upgrade my English, which is not so good and in the moment, also it would help me to improve my English Anmerkung: upgrade your english and improve your english ist finde ich genau dasselbse, von daher solltest du überlegen ob du nicht einen Teilsatz rauslässt. I don’t mind if you have many children, or none, if you are retired persons or very young, if you have pets or none if you live in a big or in a small village. I’m open for everything. I've choosen the USA, because it’s one of my favourite countries.

    I hope we will meet next year and I'm sure we will have a great time together.

    With best
    wishes from Germany

    **** t

    => Den Brief an sich finde ich sonst ziemlich, weil du viel von dir selbst und deiner Familie erzählt hast. Ich habe dir mal ein paar Sachen verbessert bzw. dir Verbesserungsvorschläge hingeschrieben. Kannst ja gucken was du machst, aber nicht vergessen: Alle Angaben wie immer ohne Gewähr :D Und mach dir keine Sorgen, dass dein Englisch nicht ganz so gut ist - du wirst es schneller lernen als du denkst.

    P.S. Ich hoffe das mit der Farbänderung hat geklappt :D