
  • Das klingt auf keinen Fall eingebildet sondern sehr ehrlich und zeigt, dass du einen starken Charakter hast! Nur wer offen für neues ist, anpassungsfähig und optimistisch, kann ein ATJ mit allen Ups&Downs überstehen! :)
    Ich würden den Satz genauso lassen!

  • Hey leute
    Also, ich hab's jetzt doch auch noch geschafft meinen Gastfamilienbrief fertig zu schreiben. :winki: Ich stell in mal rein:

    Hier stand der Gastfambrief ^^

    Also was sagt ihr dazu? (Gibt es Fehler Rechtschreibe-technisch, Grammatikalisch, Inhaltlich.. würdet ihr etwas verbessern, findet ihr es langweilig? etc.)
    Ich danke euch jetzt schon für eure Hilfe. :)

  • Zitat

    There are about 1,8 million people living in this metropolis.

    There are about 1,8 million people, who are living in this metropolis.


    Me myself (“ich selber” Wie sagt man das??) train ... [/QOUTE]
    I train ...

    [quote] I would really like to experience your life and be treated like a family member with all duties and rights.

    I would like to experience your life really and treated like a family meber with all duties and rights.

  • Hey!! Ich hab auch mal meinen Brief geschrieben... Bin aber noch nicht so ganz zufrieden... Wäre lieb, wenn ihr ihn kurz durchlesen und korrigieren könntet (auch inhaltlich)
    Wäre echt lieeeb!! DankeschÖööÖööÖön!!!

    [Der User hat die Daten gelöscht].

  • Dear Hostfamily,

    My name is xy and I’m 15 years old until I turn 16 on March 2nd. I live in xy where I w also was born. xy is a little town in the west of Germany / North Rhine-Westphalia.
    I’ve got a brother called Jan, who is two years younger than me (13). My mother is xy years old and works as a xy. ab, my father, is xy and is clerk in a xy.

    I’m a very friendly person, sometimes too friendly, so that other people easily can put upon me. I love to make jokes and to be goofy. Sometimes I get on my parents’ and more often on my brother’s nerves. But my parents can be extremly funny, too and so they don’t care when I am. As you can see we’re a very humorous family. On the other side I can be very sensitive and am extremly shy, when I know people just for a short time. But my self-confidence grows by talking to them a lot and when I see they are interested in me or just seem to like me. Sometimes I have a bad day and so I’m bitchy and in a bad mood usually it goes away if someone makes me laugh. I’m very tolerant and I hate it, if one of my friends says something mean about a strange-looking person on the street. It makes me so sad to see homeless people on the street and I’m glad that in Ahaus don’t live people like that, because I’ver never seen one.

    My family means a lot to me. I spend a lot of time with my mother and my dad, especially when I’m bored. I go shopping with them in the Netherlands at the weekends and talk to them about my problems, school and friends. I think I can go to them whenever there’s something that bothers me or makes me sad. On Sundays my parents and me, sometimes my brother, too, visit my grandparents. They live in xy, a village, that’s about 7 miles away from xy. We have there “Kaffe und Kuchen” (= coffe and cake) with my other relatives. Sometimes my little cousins are there, too, so we can talk a bit and it’s not too boring for all of us. xy (7) is the youngest, xy is 11 and xy is 13.

    My best friends are xy and xy, who I spend most of the time with at the weekend. We sometimes just watch TV or do something else that’s fun. Both are crazy and that’s why I like them so much. We know each other since we were about four years young or even younger because we had lived in the same neighbourhood until 2005 when xy has moved to another street. xy and me still live here.
    Sometimes xy, my brother, and his best friend xy are with us to spend the evening. xy lives in the same neighbourhood, too. Our street isn’t very long and most of my neighbours have a good relationship to each other.
    xy and xy are other important persons for me. xy and I had gone into the same class at the xy till 2005. I’ve known her for 2 years and we meet more often as when we were in the same class. We go to the cinema or just hang around at her’s or mine.
    I have known xy for one year. She’s in the same Bio Course as I am. She’s a little bit strange, but nice and I like this about her.

    At the moment I attend the xy school in xy. Before I went to the xy, also in xy. My grades got worse, so I had to change schools.
    My favourite subjects now include biology, maths, physics and english, but it always depends on the topics. When I came to the xy I had to choose a course. I took biology because my Dad told me “Sozialwissenschaften” (= social sciences) was like politics, that I’m not very interested in. And I’m very satisfied with my selection.
    I also had to pick one of the “Wahlpflichtfaecher”, that every student from the 9th up to the 10th grade, has to choose. I chose English this and last year. The teacher who teaches it this year called it “Poets of Rock”. The pupils meet once a week, on Wednesday, for two hours (90 minutes) and talk about several things. As the name of our “Wahlpflichfach” tells you, the whole two hours are about rock and something like this.
    When I’m back from USA I want to make my Abitur here. I don’t need it, but I still don’t know what I want to do in my future and the Abitur is a good chance to get a good job in germany. If I have passed it I could go to a university for studying something, too.

  • My hobbies are listening to music, espacially Punk/Rock, but also every other kind of music.
    I love to go for a walk or to ride my bike and just to be outside, Meeting my friends and to have fun. I look after a 4-year-old boy every Wednesday from 3 pm to usually 6 pm. I go to a playground with him, we play several things and I sometimes also draw pictures with him or we go downtown. Sometimes Susanne comes with me to look after him. I don’t think it’s easy to look after a young child, but it’s so funny with Cedric.

    By the end of this letter I don’t want to forget to thank you a lot for hosting me a whole year. You give me the chance to live in another and so different country than Germany, to get to know a new culture and to be part of your family.
    Thank You!

  • Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen *g* hab zwar schon n paar Leute nach ihrer Meinung gefragt, aber mehr meinungen sind besser =).
    maiki: meiner war noch nicht on.
    medusa: kP.. wenn dann würd ich nur eine seite mehr schreiben als vorgegeben, wenns das überhaupt gibt bei dir *g*.

  • darf man eigentlich so viel schreiben wie man will?
    mir fällt es nämlich so gut wie immer schwer mich kurz zufassen un bei so einem brief wo man über sich selbst und sein leben schreiben soll - da würden mir so sausauviele sachen einfalln!! schon das bewerbungsschreiben für ne org... wird bestimmt lustig...^^

    ~ ganz liebe Grüße an meine Süßen von der roten Couch ~ ~ Bestandteil der Austauschware 08/09 ~

    Umweltschützer erkennt man daran, dass sie ihre Bussfahrkarten nicht wegschmeißen, sondern mehrfach benutzen.

  • Wie viele Seiten sind das denn? Hier im Forum sieht dein Brief eg ziemlich lang aus...

    Ich hatte bei meinen Unterlagen 3½ Seiten fuer den Brief dabei. Ich habe klein mit der Hand alles beschrieben und hinterher erfahren, dass man gar nicht alles voll schreiben musste...aber ich hatte keine Probleme die Seiten voll zu kriegen.

  • Mir kommts nur irgendwie so vor als hätte ich recht wenig In der Bewerbungsmappe steht


    Er sollte neben dem Deckblatt "STUDENT LETTER" aus 1,5 - 2 einseitig beschriebenen DIN A4 Seiten bestehen. Der Brief muss mindestens eine Seite lang sein! Kürzere Briefe werden nicht akzeptiert.

    Nicht das die nachher meinen das wären weniger als eine Seite.
    Aber wo du das mit den stärken und schwächen schreibst... das fehlt mir glaub ich auch noch. ^^


  • hey,

    also erstmal: ich finde eure Briefe total gut.

    @Tuna: Du warst sehr ehrlich ueber deine Staerken und Schwaechen und dein Brief ist sehr persoenlich. Das gefaellt mir sehr.

    @Jenna: Du hast viel ueber deine Interessen und deine Zukunftsvorstellungen geschrieben und ich mag auch deinen Anfang sehr gern.

    Ich bin mir eigl ziemlich sicher, dass sie den Brief zur Entscheidung kriegen, weil er vorallem dazu da ist, euch kennen zu lernen.

    @SicklSara: Ich finde, du solltest alles darein schreiben, was du deiner zukuenftigen Familie mitteilen moechtest. Ich weiss zwar nicht, was du noch "mehr reinschreiben" willst, aber es ist ein Brief fuer deine Familie und es spielt ja keine Rolle, ob sie ihn zur Auswahl lesen oder nur so. Sie sollen dich dadurch ein wenig kennen lernen.

    Das wichtigste ist, dass du ehrlich bist und dich nicht verstellst und das du selber deinen Brief magst.

  • Kein problem, aber ich bin mir ja bei einigen Sachen selber nicht sicher. Meint ihr ich kann meinen sobald er endlich fertig ist hier auch mal reinstellen? Ich mein nur... jetzt stehen hier schon 2 ^^. Ich hab jetzt mal ne seite (Times New Roman - 11) oh man... i-wie weiß ich nicht was ich noch alles schreiben soll.

    Bekommen die den Brief eigentlich zur entscheidung oder erst nachher, wenn sie einen schon nehmen wollen? Weil dann könnte ich n bisschen mehr reinschreiben

  • Danke fürs verbessern, hab jetzt gemerkt das das noch die alte Version meines Briefes war ^^, viele Fehler sind gar nicht mehr drinn! Hab aber natürlich auch deine Vorschläge it einbezogen *g*...ich sollte mir vorher genau ansehn was ich wirklich online stelle
    und ja, ich bin auch bei EV! ;o)

  • ich find den anfang sau gail
    Bei dem bin ich mir nicht sicher irgendwie :


    I was born on the 8th August in 1990

    vllt ist das besser: 'I was born on august 8th' oder so?


    I’ve add Photos of them to the following Photo sites

    Heit das nicht: I've add<span style="color:magenta;">ed</span>?


    I get to know somebody <span style="color:magenta;">knew</span> I’m cautious and after one day (or more, depends on how I get along with this person) I’m talking and behaving like I usually do.

    Was meist du mit dem knew? Oder meinst du new?

    Oh ich glaub ich hör besser auf ^^
    Naja vllt kann mich auch jemand verbessern.


    I only <span style="color:magenta;">knew</span> the sights of live that <span style="color:magenta;">tourist</span> can see and I hope you can show me another site of your country.

    know oder nicht? Och mein, du kennst sie ja immer noch aus der sicht.
    und 'tourists'

    And what I want to tell you from the beginning of my letter:

    Ich würd glaub ich ehr "And what i've wanted" schreiben.

    tut mir leid, dass ich so viel korrigiert habe Wenn die Sachen nicht richtig sind, dann haut mich bitte nicht Ich habe mir wirklich mühe gegeben

    Ich glaub ich lasse meinen von meiner Lehrerin oder so korrigieren ^^' .
    JennaMaus: Bist du nicht auch bei EV?


  • Kann mir vielleicht auch jemand ne Rückmeldung zu meinem Brief geben? Ich habs mal ganz ohne Wörterbuch versucht (ok, bis auf einmal^^) deswegen können da ganz vieleFehler drinn sein.

    Dear Host Family,

    I know I am supposed to write something about myself but this is not very easy for me to do. I think it’s always very difficult to write about personal things, not only because they are personal, but also because they are hard to describe. Well I’ll try my best and I hope I can give you a got impression of myself and the things that are important for me.

    My name is Jenny …….., I’m 16 years old, I was born on the 8th August in 1990 and I live in Cologne, a big town in Germany. Together with my mother (Ursula, 41 years old) and my sister (Janine, 14 years old) I’m living in a house with a beautiful small garden. My Grandfather is living next to us. Our family isn’t that big but that doesn’t matter to me because I’ve a lot of good friends with whom I spent my free time. My two best friends are Alina and Anya (I’ve add Photos of them to the following Photo sites). They always make me smile and whenever I need them they’re there for me. We spent much time together, also because we’re in the same class at school.

    My friends always describe me as a very independent person. I help my mother in the household (cooking, cleaning the kitchen/bathroom …), when I’ve got a problem I often try to resolve it on my own and I always try to impose my own opinion (That’s one Situation when my mum and I argue). Sometimes people say I’m shy, but I’m not. When I get to know somebody knew I’m cautious and after one day (or more, depends on how I get along with this person) I’m talking and behaving like I usually do.

    The part of Cologne we are living in is mostly very rural. I like both sites of Cologne. The rural site and the urban site. As you can imagine, I love this city, were I was also born. But I want to see much more of the world, because there’s so much beautiful I haven’t seen yet. Well one city, which is in my mind as very beautiful, is Johannesburg. The city where my sister was born. So you can see I was in South Africa a long time ago. I think I’ve lost my heart in this country. This is one of the reasons why I want to spent this year in South Africa. Because there're also a lot of amazing places I want to see. And I want to know you. I only knew the sights of live that tourist can see and I hope you can show me another site of your country. That would be great.

    To tell you a few more things about me: I’m loving music. Not only to listen to it. Once a week I’ve got vocal lesson, electric guitar lesson, I’m in two choirs (one at school and one private). And my high school is a special music school. It’s called Humboldt-Gymnasium. I really love to study there. At the first look, all things at Humboldt-Gymnasium are like the ones in ordinary high schools. We learn the same things in the same subjects. The Difference is that we’ve got music-lessons in the afternoon. Music-lessons means that you can chose from a variety of subjects, that are in touch with music, to study. To give you an example: I’ve chosen, Musical, Choir, Vocal-lessons and Music theory as my subjects. Once in a year every single music-class has a class-concert. All those things mean a lot to me.
    I also love dancing. I’m practicing Jazz/Ballet once a week. The rest of my Hobby’s are not very different from the ones my friends have: Reading Books (always a lot), spending time with friends, watching Ice-hockey games, Drawing pictures, Cooking, Travelling … Well, I also love to experience something new. I hope I’ve got the chance to experience a lot of new things in this year.

    There is no need to practice my entire Hobby’s during my exchange but if there’s any possibility I would like to take my electric guitar with me, to take lessons as well (guitar+vocal). If not is this no problem, then I’ll look for new Hobby’s and add them to my old ones.

    I’m planning to “work” with music in my Future. After I’ve graduated (I hope this will be in the year 2010) I want to study Musical. Because a Musical connects Singing, Dancing an Acting the three things, which are most important for me, and if I can, I’ll make this to my job. And maybe, if I’ve got the time I’ll go abroad again. Perhaps to New Zealand, Italy, or Japan. But I’ll wait until I’ve graduated with another trip to a foreign country.

    Now I’ve come to the end of my letter. I tried to describe myself as good as possible and to show you who I am. If you’ve any further questions feel free to ask me.

    And what I want to tell you from the beginning of my letter: Thank you for choosing me as your host student. This means a lot to me, you’re giving me the chance to realize one of my biggest dreams. Because it’s not natural to take one student as a full family member for one whole year. Thank you very much!
